Too many travelers treat travel time as ‘dead’ time where they can’t get anything done — use these tricks to reclaim as many as 10 hours a week.
read the article →Only owning a carry-on bag isn’t just a good idea, it’s a blueprint for a powerful behavior-modification trick.
read the article →A comprehensive strategy guide for filling a backpack full of useful things, and other tips on living out of one carry-on and one personal item.
read the article →I don’t eat airport or airplane food unless I absolutely have to. I’d recommend you do the same — here’s why, and how.
read the article →The short answer is that you should eat snacks that are both dense and highly filling, but that’s a pretty tough needle to thread — we have to turn to SCIENCE! to find food that fits all those criteria.
read the article →Necessary is a relative term, and an ascetic lifestyle isn’t required to be successful at packing.
read the article →Fly enough, and you’re guaranteed to have a flight delayed, or cancelled, or to miss a flight, or to get walked at a hotel. Here’s how to deal with it.
read the article →Travel credit cards and global entry aren’t the most important thing to worry about as a business traveler, but they can definitely make your life easier.
read the article →Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, choosing a flight can often seem needlessly complicated. It doesn’t have to be.
read the article →Elite frequent traveler status has virtually no value to individuals or society outside of the world of business travel, but it’s invaluable to road warriors. Here’s how to get the most out of it without letting it take over your life.
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